While in Utah we spent a lot of time at my Grandparent's House. A big Thank You goes out to Chris and Lisa for letting me spend so much time there. I love my Grandma and Grandpa Blackburn and wish we could spend more time with them. My Grandma and Grandpa Stewart passed away while I was in High School and Chris's Grandparents passed away when he was young. I feel so blessed to still have some grandparents in my life. They are amazing individuals who truly love each one of us. We have some good stories and memories that will never be forgotten! My Grandma learned this trip that I really don't like when she makes Macaroni and Tomatoes, and teased me all week that she was going to make some. I informed her that the night she made that was the night Chris and I had other plans! :) Poor Grandpa almost didn't live through our visit. We hadn't been there more than a few minutes and Ethan had already found his oxygen machine and turned it off. Katelee loved the oxygen tubes and continued to chew on them whenever she could! But luckily Grandpa made it! :)
The first time Grandpa held Ethan he just stared at him like Katelee is in this picture! I love it, makes you wonder what she is thinking or staring at so intently! Kids are amazing...If only they could speak at this age, oh the stories they could tell!
We always tease Grandma that in every picture her mouth is open, however in this picture Grandma is perfect and Ethan's mouth is WIDE open! He was being silly, I know, Not my Ethan! Believe it or not, he was cracking himself up!
This one is a little better of Ethan, but not too much!
One day I gave Grandpa Katelee so I could go eat and when Chris came into the room he saw Ethan climb onto Grandpa's lap and luckily was able to get a picture of it! Ethan and Katelee love their Great Grandpa. Katelee would just sit on his lap like a perfect angel!
Before we left Grandma wanted to get a 4 generations picture, so we tried our best!
Then we got one with the spouses! I like these ones the best! Oh how I love each person in this picture!
Taking pictures with kids has taught me that if you can get everyone looking at the same camera it's GREAT, who cares if someone is frowning or crying. At least you can tell who they are! I love taking trips to Utah. Spending time with my Grandparents is irreplaceable. I love hearing my Grandpa tell me he loves us and I love seeing my Grandma's beautiful hair! I have been blessed to have them in my life and miss them when we leave! Nothing makes me more sad then when we are pulling away from their house heading home. Grandma stands at the top of the driveway, usually with Uncle Gene and waves. And Grandpa stands by the window and waves. It brings tears to my eyes almost every time! Thanks for letting us destroy your house while we visited! We love you and can't wait to see you again!
Isaac: 5 Years Old
5 years ago
I love your grandparents. They are such sweet hearts. They always made us feel like their grandkids too. I visited them a few times when i used to live in West Valley. I hope they're doing okay healthwise. It's so great that your kids are getting to meet them & that you're taking pictures so they can always remember them!
I have pictures of Grandma and Grandpa holding Connor and Caitlin that I cherish. I am going to print and frame them so they will always know their great grandparents! I hope we can get out there again so I can get more pictures. Happy 10 months Katelee!
I always get so jealous when people talk about their grandparents and what it means to them to have their kids know them. I'm glad you appreciate the greatness of it all!
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