Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mommy and Daddy-Are you there?

I can't even begin to express how this video touched my heart. Am I there enough as a mother? Do I do enough with my kids, Do I let them talk and actually listen to them? When they cry do I give them the comfort and strength they need to grow and heal? Do I get down on the floor enough with the kids and play no matter how hard the floor seems to be? Do I laugh at their silly jokes and make them feel special? Do I cuddle them when they need it most? Do I boost their self confidence, do I allow them to learn from their mistakes? Do my kids know that I'm "there?"
I would love to think and feel like I do all of the above perfectly, however I know I don't. I know there are times I play cars with Ethan from the couch, I know there are times I tell Katelee to go find her baby and put her to sleep because I want my few seconds alone. I know I could lay with my son more and sing to my daughter longer at night. I know I should let Ethan 'help' me fold the clothes more and Katelee 'clean' the floor with her baby wipes. There are times when I see the kids asleep that I think "man I sure love these kids, I'm so lucky to be their mother" but do I really act like it?
It's probably the pregnancy hormones but I sure feel like I can do a lot better than I am! I need to get down on the floor and crawl around with the kids! I need to go for walks with the kids and go at their pace instead of constantly telling them to speed it up! I need to snuggle Katelee a little longer at night before I lay her down in that lonely crib. I need to wrestle more with Ethan and not get so irritated when he acts like a boy!
But there is one thing I'm pretty sure I can't do more of, and that's love those kids any more than I already do! Sure I can improve in MANY other areas, but I think I'm doing pretty good in the 'Loving' them area! I can't imagine my life without those kids, they make me laugh at the silliest things, cry because they love me and realize how insignificant my life would be without them!
So here's to being 'there' more and making sure they know it!


Maynor Moments said...

I saw this video the other day! And I had tears falling down my face! It made me think of all the times that I am "too busy" You are awesome Mom!!

Heidi said...

I just re-read that article this past week. Amazing talk...amazing video! Thanks for sharing! A great reminder to "be there" more! =)