This life is really all about Perspective. When you have an issue you just have to think about others things and bring your "problem" into perspective. Ethan has been a Parent's Medical nightmare since he was about 3 or 4 months old! First we had to deal with his severe eczema that covered his entire body. After we got that
under control we then had to go through his "
ITP" issue. This lasted quite a while. Basically for a year we had to go to the Pediatric Oncologist and have blood drawn about two-four times a month. This also included a day and nights stay in the hospital and another day as an outpatient in the hospital. During that time we also had to deal with his asthma and allergies. Once the "
ITP" was clear and gone we have really only had to deal with his asthma. About three weeks ago Ethan was up all night coughing and wheezing. We went to the Dr. the next morning. He gave Ethan a treatment and a steroid shot. We then had to go back later that afternoon to make sure he was okay. We have been giving him breathing treatments on a daily basis since then. Thankfully he is really good for them now. Wednesday night he was up coughing and
wheezing and crying all night again. He wouldn't let me leave his room and wanted to sleep with me on his floor. Finally we went down to the living room to sleep on the couch. He wouldn't just lay beside me he had to be
on top of me! So when he finally got to sleep and had been for a while I took him back upstairs so I could try to sleep. Chris got up with him a few times and gave him a treatment. When I woke up that morning we took Ethan back to the Dr. The Dr. was pretty worried that he had two asthma attacks so close to each other. So we had to do another treatment at the Dr.s office and then he got another shot. We then had to do 3 treatments and go back to the Dr. If he didn't see much
improvement he said Ethan was going to have to go to the hospital. So we do the treatments and go back, the Dr. said he was doing better, but wants us to go to a lung specialist to make sure there isn't anything that he is missing. We got 4 Rx for Ethan to take.... As a family we went grocery shopping while the pharmacy filled Ethan's Rx's. The bag below is his Rx's only....No there isn't any food in that bag, just Ethan's Rx's...
Aren't Rx's suppose to come in those little paper bags? Below are the individual Rx's....
So I know you guys are probably wondering what Perspective I'm talking about... Well the Rx's were only $80 as compared to a hospital stay which would be a lot more than that.... And I have my son who is the cutest little boy I know. (I think I might be a little bias) Point of the story is, there is always
something worse that could happen. Sometimes I feel like I was given a lemon of a son. He has gone to the Dr. more than I think I ever have in my entire life! But he has made Chris and I so much stronger. I have learned so much from going to the Dr. all the time. I know that "idiopathic" means Unknown. So when there is a disease with Idiopathic in front of it, it means that the cause of the disease is unknown. I know all about asthma and the different medicines that can be prescribed for it. And I know the best cream for your skin if you have eczema... Chris and I have learned the power of prayer and fasting from this little guy. We have learned to appreciate our family and friends and have learned to realize EVERYTHING they do for us. We have become stronger as a husband and wife and as parents from these experiences. So when I put all of this into perspective I couldn't have asked for anything else. How can we truly appreciate what we have when we aren't threatened by the thought of loosing it? I
cherish every day I have with my family because I know people that have lost their loved ones and know that anything could happen to them. Life is all about learning and progressing so that we can become better people. Without all of our life experiences we would remain the same, unlearned, stuck in the same position we were yesterday or the year before. When I think I have life hard or question why this is happening to me I just have to sit back and put EVERYTHING into perspective, and appreciate the lessons that will be learned from the "hard time" or challenge ahead of me. I'm to the point where I can be Thankful for the challenge after it has passed, but I'm still struggling with being thankful during the challenge! Life is all about Perspective.... It is what we make it out to be! I'm choosing to keep it as positive as possible!
well put.
very well put. I have been thinking alot about that lately too. Life just is tooooooo short. Good luck with Ethan. Hopefully he is feeling better.
ps what is the special cream for exzema. Jake could use some!!
They make us use Cedaphil Cream and we have a really good Rx ointment...
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