I cannot believe that my little girl is THREE today! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday she was born and we were suddenly a family of five. This girl is her own unique self, spunky, sassy, sweet and just plain Ashlee! The first year or so of her life she was a mellow, go with the flow kind of girl and now she is go, go, go and just a monster. She is independent, does whatever she wants to do. She talks back, says things she knows she shouldn't and just smiles at you when you try to reprimand her. She will say yes to time out, yell at you in frustration and hit her siblings when they make her mad. She acts shy until she gets comfortable and then watch out! Her smile is infectious, her giggle is mischievous and her facial expressions are far beyond any I have ever seen. She talks with her hands and her looks. She gives you a mean stare when you try to give her one. She mimics you and copies what you say in a mocking tone. Ashlee can be heard a mile away, she knows not how to whisper. If she can't hear you she will yell, "I can't hear you!" Even if you are at church and trying to whisper. Don't get me started on going potty in the toilet... She knows exactly what she is doing and when she wants to she will, but if it's not her idea, or if she just plain doesn't want to, she just wont! So frustrating for all of us involved, but not Ashlee. She is still a big girl in her own eyes, just ask her. Every morning around 6:30 she comes marching into our room and announces that her tummy says it's time to wake up... She wakes the entire household up with her loud voice and sounds...
She also gives the best hugs, kisses and loves. She wipes off your kisses, unless you are her father and you tell her you love her the most. She cuddles at night and asks you to sing to her. She kisses my belly and loves a little sister that has no idea how much trouble she is going to be in with her. She has the cutest and warmest smile. She is quick to say I'm sorry and apologize. She is famous for responding, "I sure can" when you ask her for help or to clean up. She has one heck of an arm... Ashlee loves to pick out her own clothes and try to brush her own teeth. She's not much into getting her hair done, she pulls her bows and ponytails out after a little while of getting her hair done. She is her mother's spitting image and apparently personality as well. She drives her brother and sister crazy, but they love her just as much as she annoys them. She is a smart girl, she can sing her alphabet already... (for the most part) She catches on to things very quickly and is always leaving us speechless. (good and bad!) She is still our skinny and tall girl. She is finally 30lbs and 3T pants look like capris on her. Her hair is growing slow and steady. It's very curly just like her sisters so it looks shorter than it really is.
No matter how crazy and naughty this little girl is, she has stolen all of our hearts. We cannot stay upset at her for too long, she makes sure of it! This little 7lbs 10 oz girl slipped quickly into our hearts and lives 3 years ago today. Life before her is very hard to remember and we like it that way! Happy Birthday my little monster! We love you!